{Click picture to enlarge it}

A little information before we get started..
I decided to do this, as it is something different.. I haven't seen anyone do this before and it has always caught my eye in RL.. So why not bring it to SL!
Firstly, pick your bear.. Now your bear will be your bear for life.. So pick wisely.. 
Changing your bear will not be as much fun, but you can add bears along the way..
If you can, you could dress your bears differently.. I don't know if anyone has clothes changing bears but you never know! I did think about making my own bear, but I came across this bear and its to cute not to use as my forever bear!

Explore and locate sims around second life that are based for landscaping photography.
You can find many in the search, or on flickr/facebook as for the last two days I have been looking into it and taking my eye of the appeal side of second life.
I wanted a new adventure, and I now think I have found it!

This is not a chore but a hobby.. It's not blogging its is just photography.. Even though I put credits down, it doesn't mean I am a blogger for doing this.
I am putting credits down, so people can see where they can buy these objects, where I take my pictures.. and to encourage people to explore, or create scenes like this for their own use!

As for this not been a chore, it so isn't! It is fun and creative, but there is not one deadline. You can post how many, when ever, and what ever you want..

I will try and do at least one a week. But the first week you might see many ♥
It really differs from person to person, I love hobbies and some weeks I have more time than others to express my hobbies. So you may get more one week but less the other weeks.
Best thing to do is keep checking flickr for updates.. And I will do my best to keep up with postings ☻

Please sit back and enjoy!
